white candles. 10 Mind-Blowing Ways Mindfulness Changes Your Brain and Appearance

Ever feel like your brain is spinning with to-do lists, worries and what-ifs? You’re not alone. Our world is a noisy place and finding a moment of peace can feel like a mission. But what if I told you the key to a stress-free life and a better body lies in something as simple as mindfulness? don’t roll your eyes just yet. Science has proved it can improve our lives in a big way. But I’m asking you to try it for yourself, if you practice for just 10 minutes a day and stick with it for 4 weeks or more and you’ll soon see it’s a game changer that can rewire your brain and even change your body. Yes really!

First, let’s get one thing clear: mindfulness isn’t just sitting cross-legged chanting “Om” until your legs fall off. It’s about being present in the moment, anywhere and fully engaging with whatever you’re doing. Whether you’re washing dishes, walking your dog or even scrolling through this article, mindfulness can be applied.

Ok, you may say, we know Mindfulness-based stress reduction programs have been shown to reduce stress and anxiety but how can practicing mindfulness actually change the brain and our body?

mindfulness changes your brain and appearance

10 ways mindfulness changes your brain and appearance

1. Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity

Here’s the good stuff. Scientists have found that mindfulness can actually change the structure of your brain. No, this isn’t science fiction; it’s science fact.

Neuroplasticity is the brain’s ability to reorganise itself by forming new neural connections. This means your brain can change and adapt even as an adult. Mindfulness practices have been shown to increase grey matter. More grey matter means better memory, emotional regulation and decision making. You’ll literally be smarter. Who doesn’t want that?

A study by Dr Sara Lazar at Harvard University found that mindfulness meditation can change the brain. After an 8-week mindfulness meditation program participants showed increased grey matter density in the hippocampus (area for learning and memory) and structures for self-awareness, compassion and introspection.

Listen to Dr Sara Lazar explain how mindfulness changes grey matter.

2. Taming the Amygdala

The amygdala is an important part of your brain which is often described as a panic button. This small almond shaped structure is situated in the brain’s temporal lobe and is a part of the limbic system of the brain that plays the role of formation of emotions and memory. The amygdala plays a crucial role in the brain’s response to stress and fear, often referred to as the “fight or flight” response.

If you suffer from chronic stress, it can lead to an overactive amygdala, resulting in Mindfulness practices, such as meditation, have been shown to reduce the size and activity of the amygdala. A study by Hölzel et al. (2010) found that an eight-week mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) program resulted in decreased grey matter density in the amygdala.
In short, mindfulness calms the amygdala, leading to less anxiety and stress. Imagine facing your day without that constant background noise of worry.

3. Boosting the Prefrontal Cortex

This part of your brain is involved in planning, problem solving and controlling impulses. Mindfulness strengthens this area, making you more focused and less reactive. A stronger PFC can better control and modulate the stress responses initiated by the amygdala. No more road rage!

4. Healthier Skin: The Stress-Skin Connection

Now for the exciting part: mindfulness can influence one’s looks. Sounds crazy, right? But think about it. Stress is not only an enemy for your heart, your muscles, your lungs, your liver or your mental health, but is also a major cause of skin problems which include acne, early signs of aging hair loss, etc. When you practice mindfulness, your stress levels are reduced, which in turn decreases cortisol production. Stress related hormones also decrease which is effective in preventing the breakdown of collagen and create healthier and firmer skin.

 Additionally, mindfulness helps improve the overall health and well-being, leading to good sleep, which Is essential for a beautiful young-looking skin.

The relaxation and positive effects of the techniques can also pave way for enhanced blood flow, supplying the skin with adequate oxygenated and nutritious blood that can make it healthier and young looking. Who needs botox when you can practice mindfulness?

5. Better Posture

Mindfulness can significantly improve posture and help you stand taller by encouraging body awareness and relaxation. You become more attuned to your body’s sensations and alignment, which makes you more likely to notice when you are slouching or holding tension in your shoulders, neck, or back.

Once you become aware of the signs of poor posture, you can consciously correct them by implementing simple changes and building new habits.

activities such as yoga, pilates, and mindful walking incorporate principles of mindfulness with physical movement. These practices emphasise proper alignment, balance, and controlled breathing, which can help you naturally improve posture.

Mindfulness can also improve one’s self-esteem emotional wellbeing which reflect in physical posture. When we feel more confident and less stressed, we tend to stand and sit taller, projecting a more positive and assertive presence.

6. Weight Control: Mindful Eating

When I first discovered mindfulness, I had no idea what mindful eating was. I had a busy job and was thriving on triple espressos, sandwiches and 10-hour workdays. I was perpetually stressed, my skin was a mess, and I felt like I was on a hamster wheel going nowhere. Then Covid hit and I decided to enrol on an 8-week Mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR) course which completely transformed my life. We were asked to eat mindfully every day for a week. That involved eating slowly, taking smaller bites, chewing each bite thoroughly, noticing the textures, the smells and the aromas. We could even close our eyes to focus only on our sense of taste.

This felt peculiar the first day but soon enough it became my favourite practice. Not only was I able to appreciate every mouthful of my food, but I also quickly learnt to tune in to my body to distinguish between true hunger and emotional eating. I still practice mindful eating to this day, especially when I travel and have to eat alone. I have learnt to eliminate the distractions and rather than mindlessly eat while scrolling down my phone, I take time to really savour each bite and appreciate my surroundings.

If you are trying to lose weight but struggle with unhealthy eating habits, try mindful eating. It’s an effective strategy for weight control as it encourages you to pay close attention to your eating habits, making you more aware of your hunger and satiety cues. This practice can help prevent overeating, promote healthier food choices, and lead to sustainable weight loss.

7. Improved Beauty sleep

Improved sleep is another significant benefit of mindfulness practice. A calm mind, leads to better and deeper sleep, which is crucial for overall health and a refreshed, appearance. Quality sleep allows the body to repair and regenerate skin cells, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and giving the skin a healthier glow. It also helps to balance hormones, reduce inflammation, and enhance blood flow to the skin, which all contribute to a youthful look.

8. Lower Blood Pressure

Mindfulness practices, such as meditation and deep breathing exercises, have been shown to lower blood pressure, significantly reducing the risk of heart disease and stroke. By creating a state of relaxation and reducing stress hormones, mindfulness helps dilate blood vessels, improve blood flow and reduce the strain on the heart. A healthy cardiovascular system enhances overall well-being, translating to more energy, better physical performance, and a radiant appearance. Lower blood pressure also means fewer health complications, contributing to longevity and quality of life.

9. Enhanced Immune System

Another benefit of practicing mindfulness is improvement in one’s immune system function – the result of which is a glowing skin from the inside out. Decreasing stress, anxiety and other negative emotions promote the decrease in cortisol and other stress hormones which cause the immune system’s decline. This in turn strengthens the body’s ability to fight infections and diseases. This internal health is visible on the skin which appears clearer, more radiant, and resilient. A healthier immune system also means reduced inflammation and fewer skin issues like acne or eczema.

10. Emotional Balance

By practicing mindfulness, you will learn to regulate your emotions and respond to life’s challenges with greater calm and composure. This emotional equilibrium reduces the impact of stress and negative feelings, which can manifest physically through tension, frown lines, and a tired appearance. When you maintain emotional balance, it enhances your overall demeanour, making you appear more serene, approachable, and confident. This inner peace reduces the likelihood of stress-induced skin issues, such as acne and premature aging and allows your natural beauty to shine through.

mindfulness changes your brain and appearance

Practical Tips: Get Your Mindfulness Game On

Ready to jump on the mindfulness bandwagon? Here are some practical tips to get started:

Start Small: You don’t need to meditate for an hour. Begin with just 5–10 minutes a day.

Use Apps: There are tons of mindfulness apps out there, like Headspace and Calm, that can guide you.

Mindful Eating: Pay attention to your food. Savour each bite. Notice the flavours, textures, and aromas. Bonus: You’ll probably eat less and enjoy your meals more.

Mindful Breathing: Whenever you feel overwhelmed, take a few deep breaths. Focus on the sensation of your breath entering and leaving your body. Instant calm.

Mindfulness isn’t a magic pill, but it’s pretty darn close. By incorporating it into your daily routine, you’re not only boosting your brainpower and lowering stress levels but also giving your physical appearance a nice little upgrade. Plus, let’s be real, being the person who’s got their zen together is pretty cool!

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